
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Once again I have spent the last few months trapped within the confines of this tedious day-to-day routine only concerned with university and work; occasionally salvaging what's left of this lump of neutrons, nerves and tissue to think longingly of getting this all out of the way so that I can start my "REAL" life. I've also decided that maybe I'll start posting my work onto this site, as overused as this phrase may be, a picture DOES say a thousand words. So in the future you'll see more of a connection to my personal work rather than an opinion of someone else's work...

ONE thing that I can proudly say this year is that I have been blessed enough to have witnessed so much talent which I will be posting about in the future, EXCOITED! 

So here's my plan for this blog I'm going to invest a lot more love into this blog as it is acutely evident that we have shared nothing less than a love-hate affair since it was created. I want to revamp this blog, so that is somehow reflects my personality, I want to get some interviews rather than just talking about the work! Finger crossed this won't just be another discarded idea that began with good intentions... watch this space

Going to leave you with some Kissey Asplund...

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